UNRAM Prepares Pilot SMK Teachers in Lombok by Conducting Renewable Energy Technology Training

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UNRAM Prepares Pilot SMK Teachers in Lombok by Conducting Renewable Energy Technology Training

Aimed at building SMK teachers’ knowledge on the concepts and principals of renewable energy technology (RET), Mataram University, as part of the PEKA SINERGI Consortium, held a Basic Training on Renewable Energy Technology for SMK Teachers. In his opening address, Head of Education and Sports Office, NTB Province, Dr. Ir. Rosiyadi Sayuti, MSc, stated his expectation for the trained teachers to be able to motivate their pupils in RET and stand as an example for other SMK to include RET classes. In addition, PEKA SINERGI Lead Advisor, Dr. Mae Chu Chang, delivered progress on the preparation of producing RET competency standard with the Ministry of Education and Culture. Chair of the training committee, Dr. Syamsuhaidi, also said in his speech that the training was designed for the SMKs teacher to pass the knowledge to their pupils in school.

The two-part training for SMK teachers is held between 16 – 20 May 2016 and 3 May – 3 June 2016 in Mataram, NTB Province. A total of 51 SMK teachers from 12 SMK pilot will participate in the training and are divided into three groups: 12 teachers on micro-hydro technology, 26 teachers on solar and wind technology, and 13 teachers on biomass technology. The training is part of PEKA SINERGI’s overall aim to provide training and develop competency standard for future labor force in renewable energy.

Source: http://www.peka-sinergi.com/blog/2016/5/25/unram-prepares-pilot-smk-teac...

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