Utilization of Local-Farming Resources to Strengthen to Adatability to Dry Land Farmers in Lombok to Climate Change
Farming on dry land, especially in northern Lombok Island, is limited mainly by the lack of available water for farming. Accordingly, climate change that may create drought or/and uncertain pattern of rainfall can severely impact farming in the area. To deal with the case, efforts to optimize the utilization of local farming resources have been run in the county (Dusun) of Jugil, the District of North Lombok (KLU). The main objective of the project was to strengthen the adaptability of local farmers to the change. Actions in the projects were the implementation of simple micro irrigation by utilizing deep-ground water wheel and rainfall harvesting, utilization of local varieties of several eatable crops, implementing multiple and inter-cropping systems, and organic fertilizer and botanical pesticides. The technical aspects were combined with development of knowledge and awareness of farmers about climate change, strengthening the self-supporting attitudes of farmers and cooperative works (gotong-royong) in farming practices. In general, the program run well and was fully adopted by local farmers. The most significant outcomes were (1) increasing farming intensity (from once to at least twice a year) as well as productivity, (2) farmers were less dependence on the high cost- hybrid seeds, synthetic fertilizers and pesticides, and (3) established a profitable and environmentally sound farming system. It may be concluded that the model of empowering farmer group having been implemented in this climate change adaptation program can be appropriately applied in the other areas in NTB.