Focus Group Discussion (FGD) on Green Investment in Renewable Energy Portfolio

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Focus Group Discussion (FGD) on Green Investment in Renewable Energy Portfolio

PETUAH IPB held a Focus Group Discussion (FGD) on Green Investment in Renewable Energy Portofolio on April 1, 2017 from 09.30 am untill 12.30 pm in InterCAFE meeting room, IPB Baranangsiang Campus. The objective of this event  is to understand the state of the arts in green investment, a Focus Group Discussion (FGD) on “Green Investment in Renewable Energy (RE) Portfolio : Sustainable Biomass Energy”.

Resource persons in this event are Ir. Eman Surahman, M.Tech, M.Eng as President Director of PT Waskita Karya Energi who conveyed about private sector contribution in use of renewable energy financing and Dr. Ulfah J Siregar as a lecturer of Forestry faculty, Bogor Agricultural University (IPB) who talked about academician contribution in increasing innovation and new renewable energy technologies. The moderator of this event is MHRS Ario Putra from Management team of GK PETUAH Consortium.

Promoting green investment in Indonesia is enhanced through various means such as deregulation, improved business schemes, coordination among relevant ministries, enhancement of ABGCM (Academician, Business, Government, Community, and Media) model, etc. However, green investment portfolio, particularly in Renewable Energy sectors still face challenges in particular issues, such : tariff, incentives, investment scheme, procedural transparancies, etc.

In the first session, Eman Surahman as the representatives of Waskita Energy stated that Indonesia currently uses Energy in form of coal at 52.8 percent. Estimated energy supplies of coal and oil will run out in the next 10 to 20 coming years. Meanwhile, government is still subsidizied the national power plant (PLN) by 60 Trillion Rupiah. So, biomass will be a source of alternative energy which can be used by the public. Surahman stated that one of potential biomass energy type is wood pellet technology. Wood pellet technology can be an alternative source of energy because the system is recognized as offsetter against carbon emission, low enthalphy, thermo dynamic heat transfer, biomass as a raw material, and zero Pollutants. Kaliandra can be used as a source of energy for wood pellet technology because it has many advantages, such as it can be used as a tree that can cope with soil sliding on steep areas, it has rapid growth, it produces many coppice and has high calorific value. So that by utilizing 4850 million idle land in Indonesia covered by kaliandra trees planting can be a source of energy to subtitute society-based coal.

In second session, Ulfah J Siregar discussed about development of bio-electricity from forestry sector in Indonesia which can supported by Industrial Plantation Forestry accross Indonesia. She stated that there are some challenges in development of clean and sustainable energy i.e unmature and high cost technology,  trading chain system generally has not been developed, lack of local expert, clean energy technology market has not been formed, price of vegetative raw material prices is above the oil, and the lack of dedicated land to the field of energy raw materials, etc.

Solutive strategy of clean energy development are the creation of markets for clean energy such as Clean Energy utilization mandatory for state / local enterprises, the development of a national program of large-scale clean energy such as energy forest, energy garden, wind farm, and solar energy farm, clean energy development which is integrated with the development of rural communities. (SVK)


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