Developing Character Education and School Literacy Movement at 12 SMKs RET Pilot

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Developing Character Education and School Literacy Movement at 12 SMKs RET Pilot

Kuripan, 19 December 2016 -The monthly MGMP and MKKS meeting which was conducted at SMKN 1 Kuripan focused on developing character education and school literacy movement to foster effective school culture in RET pilot schools . The meeting was attended by 12 SMK principals and 48 RET teachers from those 12 pilot schools. The meeting started at 10.00 and was chaired by Bapak Umar, chairman of MKKS.

In an effort to foster effective school culture within the schools, Ibu Nur Widyani, Assistant Director for Student Affairs (Kasubdit PesertaDidik Direktorat PSMK) from Jakarta was invited as a resource person to provide  information on the development of character education and School Literacy Movement.

Ibu Nur Widyani gave an interactive presentation with some exercises to provide better understanding and commitment of the participants to develop character education in the SMKs. Participants were asked to visualize their “dream school” in the future and write it down. Another exercise was to write down positive attitudes that can be developed easily in the school. These exercises are to show the teachers that developing character of the students is not difficult and it can be integrated into daily activities in the school. Participants were also shown that using local songs can be used to appreciate local culture and can be done in the class every morning and afternoon before going home.



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