From Rags to Riches, The Story of Coconut Palm Sugar Farmers
Hivos regional office South East Asia (Hivos ROSEA) has since 2008 supported the partnership program with local NGO/CBO in the strengthening of the coconut palm sugar farmers in Banyumas, Central Java and Kulonprogo, Yogyakarta. Using the value chain approach as the main strategy Hivos provided support to LPPSLH and Lesman/KSU Jatirogo to facilitate the implementation of Internal Control System and quality management system for organic certification of coconut palm sugar, particularly in the production of crystal sugar for international market.
With the allocation of fund at around € 321,518, in which 2/3 of them used for direct support to strengthen farmers’ capacity in producing organic certified coconut palm sugar Hivos has successfully helped more than 5000 farmers improving their living condition, social and economic status. The sweet sap (nira) from the coconut florets (manggar) has changed the farmers live and bring them from the brink of poverty live in rags to live in privilege as the riches.